Yoga and healing: A Personal Journey

By Rosie Caunt

A slip on a piece of cardboard left me in excruciating pain.

What to do? Breathe 

As the pain advanced, as the radiologist twisted my foot this way and that breath and my regular mantra ‘om namaha’were my friends.
As a yogi of 30 years I began to understand why I had a daily practice
My body, breath and mind knew exactly what to do and how to care of me.
It turns out, I had a dislocated foot and two fractures.
Thanks to modern medicine and surgery they could be fixed.

But what to do with 5 weeks off my feet?
I could have better mastered my crutches which i did later but i listened to my body.
I was in the privileged position to be able to rest and not rush to work, so rest I did.

I did sooo much yoga and no asana at all.
If I woke in the night I went straight to yoga nidra.
In the morning the daily intention was set.
This was followed by simple exercises for strengthening the plastered leg.

Early on I had no energy for simple asana after 2 surgeries in 2 days but i was immediately visualising strength in my bones, balancing on my leg and walking to work.  I also spent most of my hospital days and later days upside down with my leg up the wall.

It was easy to sit up in bed and get out of bed due to my strength and flexibility from my years of yoga practice.

The hospital staff were amazed. I repeatedly said to them ,this is not me being special this positivity, strength  and flexibility is Yoga.

My practice supported me to sink fully into the space and focus of healing myself. I was content to travel the journey and allow.

Four months later pinned and plated I almost have full movement.
I can easily sit in vajrasana. On my heels.
My full asana practice is slowly returning
My meditation skills have improved 10 fold
I have a deep new empathy for the disabled
One cannot open the door of a public toilet on crutches, the doors are too heavy
And I have a new respect for my body, my own discipline for practice and all 8 limbs of yoga

I offer thanks to modern surgery and my yoga teachers past and present ohhhh and my fabeeee helpers.


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The Yoga Institute acknowledges the Cammeraygal people of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our centre is based.

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