What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a system of health & wellness developed in ancient India over 5,000 years ago. At the core of Ayurveda is a functional medicine approach based on a simple classification system. This system matches diet, lifestyle, and herbs to the individual to improve health & wellness.
What Are the Ayurveda Body Types?
The 3 functional body types (doshas), are Catabolic (Vata), Metabolic (Pitta), and Anabolic (Kapha). Catabolic individuals tend to break down body mass into energy. Metabolic individuals tend to burn or use energy. Anabolic individuals tend to store energy as body mass. Catabolic people tend to be easily stimulated, hyperactive, underweight and dry. Metabolic people tend to be rosy-cheeked, easily irritated, focused, driven, and easily inflamed. Anabolic people are heavy, stable and grounded, but if they store too much energy, they could gain weight easily and have congestion.
How do I find out which body type I am?
Great news! Joyful Belly has approximately 15 different quizzes you can take. The first, Get My Body Type, is a minute-long quiz which will tell you your Ayurveda body type right away. You may even be a combination of two different body types. The quiz results will tell you diets, lifestyles, and herbs to incorporate more in your everyday routines. Once complete, you can take other quizzes to complete your full body assessment. Then, go exploring the website for recipes, health remedies, and other recommendation specific to your body type.