Student Story: Sharon Geyer – Graduated 2020

Sharon’s Journey with yoga
I started attending Yoga classes as a compulsory part of my Diploma of Shiatsu Therapy while I was in my 20’s. While I enjoyed this, I stopped when I had my first child at 34.
I returned to Yoga 4 years ago after being diagnosed with PTSD. Attending 3-4 classes a week at my local yoga studio I was beginning to feel like a functional human again. I wanted more. I wanted the knowledge so I decided I would enroll in a Yoga Teacher Training Course, not necessarily planning on teaching but to gain more insight into this powerful tool that was allowing me to heal.
I wanted to go to India and study in an Ashram however as I have a teen daughter at home, I could not do this as it involved staying at the Ashram for 7 months. So, I began to research Yoga classes being offered in Sydney. I went to numerous open days then deciding that, as I work for the Department of Education and I may teach yoga to primary age children, I would need to study somewhere that allowed me to join an association. There were only two that offered times I could study so I attended open days at both.
Why the Yoga Institute?
I chose the Yoga Institute because as soon as I walked into the open day, I felt like I was at home. I also liked that the teacher training here was very thorough and as I was initially looking for knowledge, I knew a thorough teacher training course would offer me this.
The journey has been incredible. Our monthly weekends together have made myself and my classmates a little family who are in constant communication supporting each other through the various stages and developments in our lives.
Attending The Yoga Institute during Covid-19
Into my first month Covid-19 restrictions hit. We were no longer able to study in the studio and had to go online. I was worried that this would not give me the quality of education that I was looking for. I need not have worried as the transition from face to face learning to zoom learning was a very smooth process. I was also working online in my day job and this was not as smooth sailing. I cannot thank or commend The Yoga Institute enough for this.
Once a month I meet with a mentor who is friendly, knowledgeable, and my biggest support. I look forward to our monthly catch ups – which are also online and no different than if it was face to face. I have a daily asana practice that was designed by my mentor who changes things as the need arises.
This practice is part of my daily life, and I couldn’t imagine life without my daily practice.
Before the Yoga Institute vs. after
Prior to commencing my yoga teacher training, I was doing a short daily asana, pranayama, and meditation practice. This impacted my life and my healing journey significantly. While studying pranayama and meditation at the Yoga Institute I have learnt the same tools (and so much more) that this daily practice has been giving me. I learnt these during class and part of the homework was to do the pranayama and meditation techniques and journal our experience.
Again, this has been a big part of my healing journey, and even though this homework is complete, I continue to do these on a daily basis.
Additionally, before my yoga teacher training commenced I believed that Yoga consisted of solely asanas and that breathing and mediation were separate. One of many important lessons I have had is that yoga is so much more than asana. Yoga is a way of life, a life that is rich with endless possibilities.
I am so thankful that I enrolled in a 500-hour Teacher Training Diploma, the depth of this course has been incredible, giving me many skills that I currently use in my own daily life and plan to share with others once I graduate.
My healing, my coming home as I now call it, is the gift that yoga has given me. The use of breath in my daily asana, pranayama and meditation saved me from PTSD. Now that I have an evening pranayama and meditation practice designed by my mentor, I can finally sleep without sleeping pills.
The next stage in Sharon’s yoga journey
I will miss my training, the teachers, my classmates, and my mentor terribly. The Yoga Institute has become somewhat of a family to me and I feel blessed to have had them as part of my journey. If I had my time again, I wouldn’t do anything differently. It was one of the best decisions of my life.
I plan to use my teacher training by incorporating it into my job as a teacher’s aide, working with students who have behavioural issues and or learning difficulties. The impact Covid-19 has had on students has been substantial so offering yoga both inside school hours and outside of school hours at the school is my plan. I had no desire to teach adults however my colleagues are already asking for a weekly class at school for staff.
The joy that yoga brings me, the healing it has given me is more than I can put into words. I cannot wait until I can share this with others.
How can we support you?
Our Teacher Training Course isn’t just for aspiring teachers, but for anyone who wants to deepen their personal practice and gain a better understanding of yoga.
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