Podcast: Our Better Nature

The healing power of nature
The minds behind Hidden Brain have done it again with using a mix of science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behaviour, shape our choices and direct our relationships.
“This is more than just a feel-good theory. Nature is like a multivitamin” Psychologist Ming Kuo
Check out the evidence-based research on the relationship between nature and our physical and mental health and the long list of long term health outcomes.
Nature heals: improves psychological well-being, improves memory function, reduces stress, increases energy levels, creativity and focus, strengthens the immune system, improves eye sight, supports physical well-being, improves nervous system functions, heart and bowel disorders, improves quality of breath….the list goes on and on and on…..
Here’s the facts: Nature strengthens your immune system
Researchers have found that 3 days in nature increases your natural killer cells (a type of white blood cells) by 50%. 30 days later your bloods will show you are roughly 25% above your baseline number of natural killer cells.What does this mean? A 3 day retreat in nature has BIG, long lasting effects in your physical and mental health!
Sign me up for 3 days in Nature: Heart of Yoga Retreat Dec 2019
Scenario 1: Animals In A Zoo
It has been scientifically proven that animals fail to thrive in a zoo even when given all the proper resources. Documentations show that animals in a zoo die alarmingly earlier then animals in the wild. Animals not held in captivity, do better in their natural habit both mentally and physically. Famous biologist, theorist, naturalist, and author E.O. Wilson once said, “organisms when housed in unfit habits undergo social, physiological and physical breakdown”. The question arises: does the same apply to people living in the city?
Scenario 2: People In Buildings With And Without Greenery
The idea was to put half a group in high rise buildings with trees and grass around it, while putting the other half of the group in identical high rise buildings without trees and grass around it. Over time, the residents were asked how well they knew their neighbors. The group surrounded by greenery were much more likely to say yes. They were able to ask their neighbors for favors, go to events, etc. The other group showed more signs of aggression in their daily life along with being mentally fatigued. The question arises: would humans be better of living in the natural habitat of our ancestors?
Scenario 3: Nature And Crime
A study talked to police to find out which areas in a city were high on crime. They then randomly picked certain lots to get an intervention where the area was drastically cleaned up. Not only by picking up trash but by adding turf grass, nice panels of grass, and trees. By police records, 9.1% of crime was decreased in the lots that were cleaned up. The lots that remained the same in appearance, no nature, remained the same in crime rates. The question arises: would humans be more humane if living in nature?
So What Now?
The extensively studied scenarios continued in this riveting podcast. The pattern consistently stayed the same. Granted it seems impossible to tear down all our cities and recreate our natural habitat 100% but what does seems inevitably clear is that the great outdoors can improve your life.