Dates To Be Announced: Apply First Aid and CPR
First Aid training is an essential component for yoga teachers in Australia and a mandatory requirement for membership to Yoga Australia. Accreditation is conducted under the auspices and in partnership with Simple Instruction, accredited through the Registered Training Organisation. Course Includes: First Aid face-to-face training Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) face-to-face training * Online workbook * There is […]
Yoga Teacher Training & Yoga Studies Information Session
Next course starts 2024 We will be offering our in-studio and online information sessions in the lead-up to enrolments opening. Feel free to check back and stay tuned to our Teacher Training newsletter. The Yoga Institute is proudly dedicated to high-quality yoga education and to empowering people improve the quality of their lives through the […]
Yoga Sutra Studies with Michael de Manincor
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali forms the foundation of all yoga teachings and has been described as a “guidebook to life”.
Advanced Pranayama – ONLINE
Breath is life. Breathe well, live well. A 3-part skill development workshop for yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and for any yoga enthusiast with pranayama experience, to deepen their practice. Based on the teachings of Sri Krishnamacharya, this specialist course takes place over 3 half-day ONLINE SESSIONS to build on introductory breathwork and what you may have […]
Heart of Yoga Retreat
This will be a heart-centred journey, forming the start or the deepening of a truly sustainable, transformational exploration into your heart. We will create a safe and supportive environment to ensure you can immerse yourself for two full days of understanding the full system of yoga, learning how to self nurture on a whole new level. As well as make new friends, all in a beautiful setting surrounded by mother nature.