Leanne Davis

Registered Yoga Australia Senior Yoga Teacher and Certified Yoga therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists. Former President of Yoga Australia.

Leanne has been teaching Yoga for 30 years since her original teacher training at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy in India. Since 1996 she has been teaching and studying in the tradition of Sri T. Krishanmacharya. Her passion for Yoga has led her to frequent and ongoing travels and study trips in India.

Alongside her practice, study and teaching of Yoga and Yoga Therapy, Leanne has worked in natural therapies for the past 35 years and holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Acupuncture.

She has great enthusiasm for contributing to the profession of Yoga and helping to foster the practice and understanding of yoga in our community. She has a particular interest in preserving the authenticity of yoga from its cultural and textual roots while embracing the evolution of yoga in the contemporary world.

Leanne has the distinction of being a former President of Yoga Australia and Yoga New Zealand and has served for 9 years in various committee roles within the association. This role allows her to advocate for Yoga professionals and uphold the high standards of education of Yoga and Yoga therapy in Australia and New Zealand.

She is a practicing Yoga practitioner, teacher , teacher trainer and Yoga therapist, massage therapist and Acupuncturist.


The Yoga Institute acknowledges the Cammeraygal people of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our centre is based.

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