The Yoga Institute Team Recommends….

Engagement, learning, stimulation (and even feeling mentally-stretched or challenged) are not just enjoyable, they can have various health benefits. As can summoning states of gratitude, joy, creativity, laughter awe and wonder.
A popular series in our posts, you’ve let us know you love seeing what we have been reading, watching, and listening to. Here is what the team at The Yoga Institute have been enjoying and feeling stimulated by lately, shared with love. Injected with plenty of science, science is a helpful modern, unifying language that increasingly backs up ancient wisdom and can sometimes even re-affirm for us that which we already know on an inner level – your innate wisdom.
So get ready to fire up new neural connections and to feel inspired, mentally-energised and uplifted!

The 10 Nonnegotiable Needs that must be Met to take us from Emotionally Starved to Satisfied – Giselle Naidu, Elephant Journal
Here’s What Happens in Your Brain When You’re Trying to Make or Break a Habit – Signe Dean, The Conversation

Think Like a Monk – Jay Shetty
Molecules of Emotion – Dr Candace Pert
The Science of Meditation – Daniel Goleman & Richard J.Davidson

‘Mark’s Old Friend And Yoga Master Gary Kraftsow Talks About Yoga’ – The Mark Divine Show, 20 March 2019
‘Yoga & Buddhism, Ep. 39’ – Yoga Off The Mat, 30 October 2020
‘David McGrath – Yamas, Niyamas, and Accordance with Life’ – J.Brown Yoga Talks, 11 September 2023

Revolutionising Healthcare for a Healthier Future – Dr David Beaumont, The Future of Medicine conference, 2023
Star Size Comparison 2 & Star Size Comparison 3 – Morn 1415
97 years of Sir David Attenborough in 97 seconds – BBC
Strong Hearts for Turbulent Times – Global Compassion Coalition
An Antidote for Dissatisfaction – Kurzgesagt
The Freedom of Being Nobody -Ram Dass – After Skool
The Best Version of Yourself – Pursuit of Wonder
Conversations with Desikachar – Heart of Yoga (Mark Whitwell)
How To Help a Grieving Friend -Megan Devine
How To Draw Mandala Art – Vijayta Sharma
The Starfish Story – Kreativs
Music: Sol Journey Mix – Porangui & Liquid Bloom

The Hidden Life of Trees (trailer linked here)

Our love and appreciation for all creative beings everywhere creating sensory input for the betterment of humankind.

Why Does It Matter What We Consume?
In Yoga & Ayurveda, our daily ‘intake’ doesn’t just refer to our food. It includes anything we give our attention to (consciously or unconsciously), such as what we watch, listen to, the people we spend time with, and what we think about. Practice being discerning what you give attention to today.
What thoughts will you become more aware of today and which ones will you escort off your mental premises?
Will you feed yourself with mental and emotional junk food, or practice choosing sensory input that soothes your nervous system, builds new neural networks through learning, grounds you and reminds you what’s really important, energises and uplifts you, and progresses your personal growth?
As with your food and beverages, resist a perfectionist mindset. Simply allow your choices to be conscious choices, so that even where we may occasionally indulge in treats or ‘brain candy’ it’s a deliberate and conscious decision and not an auto-pilot habit that gets past our awareness – it all starts with awareness.
With loving kindness to yourself, just practice noticing and try again, we are all human. Happiness is not a destination, it’s hidden in plain sight in the journey with every micro-choice, every day. Everyday is a chance to practice a new way of being, so you may come home to your calmer, kinder, more content self 🧡

How Can We Help You Today?
Contact us here or call 0477 021 219
We believe people create their own health, healing and transformation through the power and practice of yoga. We know extraordinary education will lead to healthier people, and in every sense, create a better world.